Useful Numbers

ServiceTelephone Number
Ambulance (Emergencies)999
Age Concern525282 or 866109
Alcoholics Anonymous (24-hour Helpline)0845 7697555
Cancer Support Helpline (Macmillan)0808 800 1234
ChildLine0800 1111
Children’s Services (IOW)827810
Citizens Advice Bureau0845 1202959
Community Nurses – Tower House611246
CRUSE IW Branch (Bereavement) (9.00am to 1.00pm Monday to Friday)523030
CRUSE National Helpline (24-hour)0870 167 1677
Island Drug And Alcohol Service526654
Dental Helpline0845 050 8345
DIAL (Disability Information And Advice)522823
Earl Mountbatten Hospice529511
IW Red Cross522718
IW Youth Trust (Confidential Counselling For Young People)529569
Out-Of-Hours Service111
PALS (Patient Advice And Liaison Service)534850
Registrar Of Births And Deaths823233
RELATE (Marriage Guidance)524402
Ryde Health Clinic615555
Social Services408448
St Mary’s Hospital524081
SureStart (Ryde)617617
Women’s Refuge825981

Useful Websites

  • NHS Official Website
    Holds information on what the NHS has to offer and how to access the services. It also includes contact details, maps and addresses for GP practices, hospitals, opticians, pharmacies etc.
  • NHS 111
    Contains self-help guide
  • The Food Standards Agency
    An independent food safety watchdog set up to protect the public’s health and consumer interests in relation to food. Contains interesting articles on diet and health, food safety etc.